I/O signal connector

I/O signal connector
Topic LCI-USG-0201, 最近更新 11/28/2023

The I/O signal connector provides a means for the system to communicate with external LC components.

Note: The I/O signal connector was implemented with Alliance iS HPLC system version 1.1. This information applies to systems starting at version 1.1.

The IFM's rear panel includes a removable connector that holds the screw terminals for I/O signals. This connector is keyed so that it can receive a signal cable inserted only one way.

Figure 1: Alliance iS I/O signal connector
Inject hold
Inject hold
Inject start
Inject start
Table 1. Alliance iS analog/event connections
Signal connections Description
Inject hold Reserved for future use.
Inject start An output that triggers other LC components to start at the injection time of the Alliance iS HPLC System.



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